Name: Power-Adapter Case Raspberry Pi 4-Model 4-Display 8GB:-HEAT-SINK Pi 4b 4-8gb-Kit
SKU: exoD8ynNl
Rated 4.7/5
based on 38 Reviews
Stutu Store
Price :$113.16 In stock
Best Demo Board & Accessories from Stutu Store for Power-Adapter Case Raspberry Pi 4-Model 4-Display 8GB:-HEAT-SINK Pi 4b 4-8gb-Kit
Choosing produc online can save a lot of time. In a small span of time you can visit hundreds of websites and review color, price, fabric, style etc . of different item and choose which you like the most. There is also the size, shape and watch made bigger photos of the Power-Adapter Case Raspberry Pi 4-Model 4-Display 8GB:-HEAT-SINK Pi 4b 4-8gb-Kit. It is the best thing about search engines on internet that you can take a decision quickly....More
Customer reviews:
Date: 28 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
perfetto e scatolato ottimo strumento anche per Smart working
Date: 14 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
всё отлично. но дисплей нельзя подключить если устройство поместить в данный корпус. и ещё я добавил бы пару радиаторов.
Date: 07 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
ممتاز كما هو موضح بالصور اشكر البائع على حسن التعامل
Date: 30 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Все работает. Комплектность совпадает. Правда не знаю на счет памяти 8 Гб там или нет. Но я первый раз использую эту штуку , толком пользоваться не умею, но raspbian установил, сенсорный дисплей подключил, мышь, клавиатуру, монитор, все работает. Но упаковка очень ненадежная, обычная картонная коробка. Получил наполовину сдавленную с одной широкой стороны, выглядело все это довольно страшно, сомневался, что внутри все осталось целым. Внутри коробочки с дисплеем и самой raspberry сильно сдавленные. Как ни странно ничего не повредилось, хотя почти никакой защиты не было, raspberry вообще в пакетике и картонной коробочке и все, наступил ногой на коробку и контакты раздавишь, жуть. Как все это в таком виде доехало вообще не знаю, но к счастью все закончилось хорошо- покупатель, да и продавец, думаю, довольны)))
Date: 09 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
As other buyers comment, the package arrived in very bad condition, but the product was fine. I ordered the package with the screen, the fan and the other things, however, the fan could not be connected to the screen, therefore you must use the fan or the screen, but not both at the same time (there is not enough space) I still haven't been able to get the 3.5 '' screen to work, maybe I haven't used the correct driver. I looked on the seller's page for some information or a user manual but could not find it. It is difficult to connect the wires to the Raspb-pi once the box is assembled, the terminals are thicker than the space left to connect. The Raspb-pi works well (connected to a computer screen) I tested it with different operating systems and runs without problems.
Date: 04 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Product as described, well packed no visible damages. Have not tested yet. Do come with ekstra costums fee when ordering from Sweden, fiksed price per package 75SEK+import VAT
Date: 03 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
дошло быстро. все как в описании. работает. спсибо
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 08 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
The product is good and function normally!
Date: 24 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Заказ пришел быстро. Упакован хорошо. Все работает нормально. Единственное что экран и вентилятор вместе подключить не получиться и корпус пришел непрозразный. А в остальном все хорошо.
Date: 10 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
ordered the pack with the screen, the fan etc but the fan couldnt be connected to the screen unfortunatly... so its either use the fan or the screen but not both
Date: 04 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thanks to Stutu Store for Power-Adapter Case Raspberry Pi 4-Model 4-Display 8GB:-HEAT-SINK Pi 4b 4-8gb-Kit
Date: 03 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
The ad did not correspond with my request
Date: 27 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Nevet showet up
Date: 13 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thanks to Stutu Store for Power-Adapter Case Raspberry Pi 4-Model 4-Display 8GB:-HEAT-SINK Pi 4b 4-8gb-Kit
Date: 30 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thanks to Stutu Store for Power-Adapter Case Raspberry Pi 4-Model 4-Display 8GB:-HEAT-SINK Pi 4b 4-8gb-Kit
Date: 10 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thanks to Stutu Store for Power-Adapter Case Raspberry Pi 4-Model 4-Display 8GB:-HEAT-SINK Pi 4b 4-8gb-Kit
Date: 10 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thanks to Stutu Store for Power-Adapter Case Raspberry Pi 4-Model 4-Display 8GB:-HEAT-SINK Pi 4b 4-8gb-Kit
Date: 27 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thanks to Stutu Store for Power-Adapter Case Raspberry Pi 4-Model 4-Display 8GB:-HEAT-SINK Pi 4b 4-8gb-Kit
Date: 18 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thanks to Stutu Store for Power-Adapter Case Raspberry Pi 4-Model 4-Display 8GB:-HEAT-SINK Pi 4b 4-8gb-Kit
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 02 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thanks to Stutu Store for Power-Adapter Case Raspberry Pi 4-Model 4-Display 8GB:-HEAT-SINK Pi 4b 4-8gb-Kit