Best Computer Peripherals from HANTOPER Official Store for Usb-3.0 Hub-Adapter Extender Splitter-Box Reader-Accessories Laptop Mobile-Phone Mini-Usb
A lot of people tend to purchase Usb-3.0 Hub-Adapter Extender Splitter-Box Reader-Accessories Laptop Mobile-Phone Mini-Usb on the web. Busy people are attracted by efficiency and convenience of buying from the comfort of their own home. We all don't need to walk through big shopping centers. On the contrary, we will have more time for picking the products we want and with a straightforward click we can complete the orders....Get Yours
Customer reviews:
Date: 15 Mar 2021Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy for Special Goods
Great product. Seller shipped quickly and left a nice message in the package. A lanyard was included and a cap to cover the main usb connector. Overall, I'm happy with the purchase. Thank you seller! I'll recommend it to my friends!
В точности как на картинке. Приехал заказ быстро. Проверил - работает. Только в использовании есть один момент - если вставлять разветвитель сбоку в комп или ноутбук он находится в висячем положении и если использовать все три порта он достаточно сильно опускается под весом.